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Multi-Agent Programming Contest 2016:
lampe Team Description
Philipp Czerner, Jonathan Pieper
Department of Informatics, Clausthal University of Technology,
Julius-Albert-Str. 4, 38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
E-mail: {philipp.czerner, jonathan.pieper}@tu-clausthal.de
In this paper we describe our participation in the 2016
edition of the Multi-Agent Programming Contest as team ‘lampe’, which
was developed in C++ without the use of any agent-specific technology.
It utilizes a centralised approach focusing on planning a job’s completion
in advance.
1 Introduction
The Multi-Agent Programming Contest (MAPC) is an annual competition with the
goal of advancing the field of multi-agent system development and programming. We
participated in this year’s contest as team ‘lampe’, taking third place among five
participants. Our team consists of two undergraduate students.
We initially designed our system as a course project with the goal of both testing
the scenario of the 2016 MAPC and evaluating the use of the C++ platform without
any specific agent technology. After deciding to also participate in the contest, we
refined our solution and improved its stability. Our main motivation was to test our
implementation in a live environment against real opponents.
The library we developed in our course project was originally called ‘lampe’, which
is an acronym for ‘Library for Agent Manipulation and Planning Efficiently’. We
also used this name for our team.
2 System Design and Implementation
Our design focused on creating a system for this year’s MAPC, without using agent-
specific technology or architectures typical for agent programming. Instead we
employed conventional programming techniques.
2.1 Architecture
Session Manager
Message Parser
Figure 1: Structure of the framework
Job analysis
Agent Agent
execution plans
Figure 2: Agent architecture
We chose to organize our agents in a centralised fashion, meaning that a single
entity holds all data and controls the agents. The rest of our system is designed as a
framework, which manages the connection with MASSim and parses the messages
sent to the entity. Then, the entity processes this information and returns actions
for all agents. It communicates with the framework only over this interface; no
other data is shared. We call the specific interface implemented by the entity in our
framework ‘Mothership’, as well as the specific implementation of that interface used
in the contest.
The general structure of the framework is shown in figure 1. The user configures
the application via a command-line interface, which in turn calls the session manager,
to handle the necessary state of a connection with MASSim over multiple simulations.
The session manager relies on the message subsystem to communicate with MASSim
over a TCP/IP socket. It instantiates a Mothership for each simulation and transfers
the perceptions and actions between the Mothership and the message layer.
The system is designed to allow for different implementations of the entity using
the same interface, making them easily replaceable. We did only implement a single
version, which was used in the contest. Its agent architecture is shown in figure 2,
with arrows indicating data flow.
Perceptions of all agents are stored in a single location. There is some bookkeeping
to infer additional information as well as to update internal state. The data is then
used by the job analysis to generate an execution plan for each job, which consist
of a series of steps to complete the jobs. The dispatcher uses these to rate the
profitability of jobs and select a job to pursue. The steps of the execution plan
(called requirements) are then dispatched to the agents and executed.
This architecture is specific to the strategy employed, which is described in detail
in section 3.
Due to employing a single entity to control all agents, there is no need for agent
communication, nor do the agents need to coordinate their actions. Consequently,
our system lacks any components for message passing between agents or similar
2.2 Implementation
Our system was implemented in C++, without the usage of any agent-specific
technology. We chose C++ due to our familiarity with the language as well as the
freedom to build our own abstractions on top of the data. While another benefit of
C++ is its efficiency and potential for high performance, we did not find any part
of our platform to be performance critical and did not perform any optimisations.
There are no specific benefits of C++ with regards to our architecture or strategy;
the system could easily have been implemented in a comparable, general-purpose
programming language.
Choosing C++ required us to implement a framework to handle the communication
with the MASSim platform. This framework connects to MASSim using TCP/IP
sockets. It converts the transmitted XML into C++ data structures and vice versa.
The framework also handles authentication and provides a command-line interface.
The entity implementing the Mothership interface is implemented as a single
class containing all simulation data as members and a handful of methods. It is
responsible for all agent behaviour. Most parts of our strategy are well suited to being
implemented using (long) linear pieces of code organized in a few methods, making
further encapsulation unnecessary. In fact, the three main components job analysis,
requirement dispatching, and requirement execution (the agents) are implemented
using a single method each.
The entity consists of 882 lines of code. (All counts exclude comments and blanks.)
The whole project has 4805 lines. A large part is responsible for communication with
MASSim (1200 lines). We wrote some experimental agent code, which was not used
during the contest; it amounts to 1027 lines. The code that provides the application,
manages the connection to the server and interfaces with the operating system is
1084 lines long. The remaining 612 lines consist of custom containers and general
convenience functions.
We decided not to use any advanced C++ features or modelling techniques
(such as templates, inheritance or exceptions) for the agents’ logic in favour of a
straightforward approach. Similarly, we did not distribute our agents over multiple
machines for the contest and ran the program inside a single thread.
3 Strategy
Our strategy is based on a central entity controlling the agents, which collects and
processes all perceptions and then dispatches requirements to individual agents.
Requirements are an abstraction over actions, enabling multi-staged operations,
managing the charge of the agent and handling failed actions transparently. (Re-
quirements are discussed in section 3.3 in more detail.) They are small enough to
be processable by a single agent. The agents execute their respective requirement,
yielding an action that is then returned to the server.
The team tries to complete one job at a time, using exactly the resources needed
for the job. No items are bought speculatively; we wait until we find a profitable job
and then buy the items required to complete the job. Completing a job may involve
multiple steps of buying and assembling items, each possibly requiring multiple
agents to cooperate. We deal with this by constructing a dependency tree in advance,
which consists of the requirements necessary to complete the job, together with their
Thus, we have three components: the job analysis to build the dependency tree,
the dispatcher, which executes this tree by assigning requirements to agents, and
the finite state machines that execute the requirements, yielding the actions for the
We ignore many aspects of the simulation, such as hidden information (except the
prices of items), transfer of items between agents, storage facilities (apart from job
deliveries), dump locations, auction jobs, posting jobs, the street grid, and the other
Simulation start
Initial data-gathering
Analyse job dependencies
Rate job profit
Choose target job
Dispatch agent actions
no good
job completed
or cancelled
Figure 3: Overview of the strategy
Figure 3 shows the general strategy of our team. First, we gather data that is
not available globally, but limited to agents near a certain facility. This allows us to
estimate the value of jobs. If a profitable job was found, the actions necessary for its
completion are dispatched, until the job is either completed or cancelled. We then
repeat this process and continue analysing available jobs.
This is a simplified overview; gathering data and estimating the profitability of
jobs happens simultaneously whenever there is no active job. It does, however, reflect
the observable behaviour of our agents in practice. Usually all necessary information
is collected at the beginning of a round, and after completing a job another profitable
job is found right away.
3.1 Data Gathering
Price and amount of items in stock at the various shops are only visible to agents near
those shops. In order to gather this data, agents are sent out to the different shops
at the beginning of each simulation. This happens whenever the team is without a
job and there are shops left to explore.
The fuel requirements for this are moderate and it does not represent a loss of time,
as the search is conducted only until a profitable job has been found. Items with an
unknown price can be bought, but are assumed to be highly expensive. Whenever
the team has completed (or failed) a job and is waiting for the next one, this search
continues, until all shops have been visited once. Since the price of a shop item is
static and the amount is assumed to be sufficiently high, this information is used
throughout the simulation.
In order to gather this information, every shop is successively assigned to the
nearest available agent, excluding trucks due to their low speed. Faster agents are
preferred (this holds true for almost every assignment the dispatcher performs).
Most decisions are based solely on the state of the requirements and the most
recent perception. We derive knowledge about the state of the world in only two
cases, item prices and items delivered for cancelled jobs. The latter is necessary to
retrieve the items for a later job.
3.2 Job Analysis
Before any job is selected for execution, it is first screened for profitability and
feasibility. First, we generate a list of necessary steps to complete the job. For
each item there may be multiple possibilities of acquisition, these include buying,
assembling or taking it from an agent’s inventory or a storage facility. The latter
one is a fallback if the agents do not manage to complete the job, it only retrieves
items that have previously been delivered to a now cancelled job.
If an item can either be bought or assembled, in general the latter yields more
profit and is preferred. However, in order to avoid problems with completing jobs in
time, agents prefer to buy items more than two levels deep in the recipe tree, with
the first level being the items requested by the job.
To assemble an item, the routine recursively runs on the ingredients (there can at
most be one recipe for an item) and tools needed. There is a separate requirement
for each ingredient and tool, and an additional one for crafting the item. To buy an
item the routine tries to find the shop offering the lowest price. As the amount of
items in stock at shops is quite generous, items are always assumed to be available.
Items not found during the data-gathering phase can be bought, but their price is
estimated too high for these jobs to be chosen.
The analysis produces a list of requirements to complete a job. Any requirement
may be marked as a dependency for another requirement. They are ordered as the
results of a depth-first search of the dependency tree, to help the dispatcher with
executing them linearly. Requirements for buying items contain the shop’s location,
which may later be optimised by the dispatcher based on the position of the agent.
Requirements are the basis to rate the profitability of a job. This takes into account
the cost of all items that need to be bought,
the cost of assembling the items at the workshop,
and a constant for each requirement, roughly estimating the costs of the agents
moving around.
The time needed to complete a job is also estimated as a function of the number
of requirements and compared to the time left until the job has to be completed.
From all completable jobs, the job with the biggest profit margin (which has to be
greater than zero) is chosen to be the active job.
3.3 Requirement Dispatching
At any given time there may be at most one active job. This simplifies our implemen-
tation, but negatively affects our team’s performance, due to a high number of idling
agents towards the end of a job (see section 4.2 for a discussion of agent utilization).
The dispatcher holds a list of all requirements necessary to complete the job and
dispatches them to the agents until all requirements have been dispatched. When
dispatching a requirement, the dispatcher must ensure that the agent is able to
complete it. This turned out to be nontrivial, as there are many conditions to be
checked. A deadlock may occur if all agents are assigned requirements that are
dependent on a requirement that has not been dispatched. The dispatcher avoids this
by assigning the requirements in the order of a depth-first search of the dependency
tree and waiting until all dependencies for a requirement have been dispatched before
moving on to dependencies of a different requirement.
Only one workshop is ever used, it is chosen to be in the centre of the map.
There are five different types of requirements: Get-Item, Buy-Item, Craft-Item,
Craft-Assist and Visit. The former three first acquire the item, and then either assist
a subsequent assembly or deliver it to the job’s storage facility. Craft-Assist also
performs the latter step, but it does not acquire an item first. It is used for tools
and items in the inventory of agents that were left over by the previous job. Visit is
for the data-gathering phase and causes the agent to move to the facility.
Algorithm 1 Dispatching a requirement
Input a requirement r = (type, item, amount, is_tool)
Output whether the requirement has been dispatched
for all agents a do
if is_tool and (a cannot use item or a is truck) then
end if
if type {Get-Item, Buy-Item, Craft-Item} then
available := Number of items item that a could carry
else if type = Craft-Assist then
available := Number of unreserved items item that a carries
end if
if available = 0 then
else if available > amount then
available := amount
end if
if a is executing requirement r
if r
implies r then
Reserve available items item of a
amount := amount available
else if r implies r
Reserve available items item of a
amount := amount available
Assign r to a
end if
Reserve available items item of a
amount := amount available
Assign r to a
end if
if amount = 0 then
return true
end if
end for
return false
The actual dispatching is based on the type of the requirement. An overview is
given in algorithm 1. For each available requirement an appropriate agent is chosen,
subject to the following conditions:
The agent must not already be assigned a requirement (there are exceptions,
see below).
The agent must be able to carry at least one of the target items.
If the target item is a tool, the agent must be able to use that tool.
If the target item is a tool, the agent must not be a truck.
Whether an item is a tool or not does not depend on the item, as any item might
be used both as material and as tool in different recipes. Instead, this is determined
by the job analysis when the recipe is selected.
In general, an agent may only execute one requirement at a time. However, the
dispatcher may choose to upgrade an existing requirement. For example, any agent
delivering an item to assembly may be upgraded to also execute the assembly.
The dispatcher may also choose to discard a requirement implied by the agent’s
requirement. An example would be the requirement to provide a tool for an assem-
bly; an agent carrying the tool and participating in the assembly would fulfil this
requirement implicitly.
An agent unable to carry the full amount of items may be assigned a partial
requirement. This is needed, as for some jobs or recipes not all items can by carried
at the same time by any one agent. It is also possible to only partially discard a
It is necessary to keep track of the items in the inventory of an agent. Some may
be needed to execute its current requirement or even a future one. The dispatcher
marks these items as reserved until a specific requirement has been completed and
takes care not to assign requirements that would make use of these items. Assembling
items does not respect the reserved items, thus it is possible for an item to be taken
out of the inventory of a different agent than intended. This is the reason for the
expiration on requirement completion; when the assembly is done, the items intended
to be consumed are no longer reserved and can be used by subsequent requirements.
When dispatching a requirement to buy an item, the corresponding shop may be
changed, based on the distance between shop and agent and the item’s price in a
specific shop.
Completing the job relies on all agents to complete each requirement that has been
assigned. Even a single one failing can cause agents to wait on ingredients for an
assembly until the job is cancelled. Although an agent should not be able to fail any
requirement, programming errors do exist. To eliminate the period of waiting, we
implemented a watchdog, which triggers whenever a few rounds have passed without
a successful action. This causes the team to abandon the current job and look for a
new one.
3.4 Requirement Execution
Go to the shop
Buy the item
Go to the workshop
Assist the assembly
Go to the storage
Deliver the item
arrived at shop
item is dependency
item is final
arrived at workshop arrived at storage
Figure 4: Executing a Buy-Item requirement
The agents execute their current requirement via a finite-state machine. The
requirements include travelling to the shop or workshop, purchasing or assembling
an item, and finally delivering the product to either the storage for the job or the
next assembly site. Figure 4 shows an example of the stages necessary to execute
a Buy-Item requirement. Each stage of execution may span multiple steps of the
simulation. To handle errors, for example due to random failures, each action is tried
until it succeeds or the current job is cancelled.
While travelling, a subroutine estimates the distance an agent can travel using the
current charge. In general the agent tries to charge—in case the current target is out
of reach—by choosing a charging station that minimises the total distance travelled
(first to the station, then to the target). However, an agent may choose to directly
visit a charging station, if it would risk running out of fuel.
4 Evaluation
During the first day of the contest, we faced technical difficulties and were not able
to perform well. There was a bug inside the dispatcher, causing incorrect behaviour
for assembly involving tools. Additionally, our communications layer depended
on the socket buffering, which failed in some cases when running over an internet
connection. This bug was still present during the first match of day two, affecting
most of simulation 1 against team Python-DTU.
4.1 Conservative Heuristics in Match Against BathTUB
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Figure 5: Money during simulation 2 against BathTUB
In our match against team BathTUB simulation 2 exhibited interesting map
generation. Before taking any job, we estimate its potential profit, so that we do not
take any jobs when we expect to lose money. Sometimes this causes our agents to
idle for extended periods of time. As shown in figure 5, there was little activity until
step 300, between steps 430 and 520, and after step 830. (Our agents did move in
the first 20 steps, but no agent needed to charge.) Our heuristic is not perfect, as
team BathTUB demonstrates by making a profit during the first period.
We completed only 2 jobs in total, compared to the 5 jobs finished by BathTUB.
Our approach forms a distinct pattern, consisting of a sharp decline at the beginning,
when most items are bought, followed by a long period with little agent activity,
until the job is completed. Planning the jobs in advance in a centralised fashion,
enables a high degree of efficiency in terms of the money we spend, but it negatively
affects our agent utilization.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Figure 6: Money during simulation 2 against PythonDTU
4.2 Low Agent Utilization in Match Against PythonDTU
Simulation 2 between team PythonDTU and us is shown in figure 6. The general
pattern is similar, but jobs are found more easily and completed in a shorter amount
of time, resulting in a higher income. This pattern represents an ideal performance
from our agents, without major interruptions.
Figure 7 shows the number of successfully completed actions (excluding skip and
abort actions) in ten steps wide intervals. For comparison, the activities in simulation
3 between teams Flisvos-2016 and PUCRS are also shown. There is some noise
originating from actions without effect, such as charging an agent with a full battery.
Our agents completed six jobs in total, at steps 284, 433, 564, 660, 812, and 946.
Following each job, there is a peak in activity, as the agents start to collect the items
for the next one. Even in this phase, we reach an agent utilization of only 80 actions
per ten steps, which is 50% of the theoretical maximum. (There are 16 agents per
team, with a maximum of one action per step, which yields an upper bound of 160
actions per ten steps.) After the initial peak, our agent utilization declines until the
job is completed.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Actions per 10-step interval
Figure 7: Activity of different teams
Team Python-DTU did not perform many meaningful actions in this match, after
their initial peak at step 120 the activity consists mostly of noise.
In the match between Flisvos-2016 and PUCRS the teams achieved a score of
350240 and 761920, respectively. PUCRS’ agents were generally more active than
ours, having both higher peak activity and less idle periods. In total our agents
executed 3337 actions in our match and the agents of team PUCRS did 5254 in
theirs. Flisvos-2016, surprisingly, executed only 1901 actions in total. This points to
a high degree of efficiency of their agents, considering their score in this match and
overall performance during the contest.
The number of actions of both teams PUCRS and Flisvos-2016 is more consistent
over time than ours, they do not show the periods of inactivity exhibited by our team
towards the completion of a job. The reason for this may be a more decentralised
strategy that does not require the synchronisation of all agents at once.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Figure 8: Money during simulation 1 against PUCRS
4.3 Technical Difficulties in Match Against PUCRS
Figure 8 shows simulation 1 against team PUCRS. Our agents completed 8 jobs in
total, finishing with a score of 63776, compared to 24 jobs finished by PUCRS with a
score of 73549. This simulation had low rewards per job, resulting in comparatively
low scores for both teams.
The pattern of our team’s money is similar to the other simulations, in that there
is a steep decline at the beginning of a job, followed by a stable period until the job
is completed. However, there are additional declines without having completed a job,
for example in steps 468 and 887. These are caused by a bug, preventing our agents
from cooperatively assembling items involving tools.
When there is no progress in completing a job, meaning that no successful actions
(apart from abort and skip) were completed, the watchdog triggers and the active
job is discarded, causing the team to look for a new job. This allows our agents
to quickly recover from a deadlock scenario. The job analysis takes the existing
inventory of agents and items delivered to cancelled jobs into account when selecting
the next job.
During this simulation, our recovery features proved to be quite effective, as our
agents managed to turn a profit even while unable to complete the more complex
jobs. However, the aforementioned problems remain and team PUCRS’ agents were
able to earn a higher score, even without completing any jobs in the last 239 steps.
We believe their key advantages to be a higher agent utilization, and a focus on
smaller jobs.
On average, we earned 1722 points per job, while PUCRS gained 981 per job.
They were able to complete three times as many jobs, leading to the final score. Our
strategy focuses on being able to complete any job, even those involving many agents
and multiple stages of assembly. We are less efficient in completing smaller jobs
due to the overhead imposed by having only one active job at a time. This leads
us to prioritise longer jobs with higher rewards. It is necessary to synchronise our
agents with regards to cooperative assembly of items, limiting our agent utilization
4.4 Other Problems During the Contest
Our team is able to complete jobs quite consistently, but on some maps we run
into problems with our routing. The heuristic responsible for charging the agents
is based on rectangular distance to the target. In general, a heuristic can either
overestimate the actual distance, or underestimate it. The former causes excessive
charging (reducing the efficiency of travelling), and may result in loops, where an
agent can never reach a target, always returning to the charging station. The latter
results in agents without charge, needing to call breakdown service, which has severe
penalties regarding both time and money. Our heuristic exhibits both, but it does
tend to overestimate distance.
Another problem is our disregard of locality, both in estimating expenses and
in planning routes. Ideally the job analysis would consider the location of shops,
workshops and storage facilities and adjust its estimate of the job’s cost and duration.
For the dispatcher, most of our efforts have focused on selecting any agent that will
complete the requirement. Little time has been invested in dispatching to the most
suitable of such agents, including the rather obvious consideration of the agent’s
Loops between one charging station and a target were common enough that we
detect them and order the agent concerned to proceed to the target regardless of
charge. Having an agent running out of charge is preferable to having loops, as the
latter prevents any progress in completing the job. Unfortunately, loops involving
two charging stations are not detected and have been observed in some of the matches
(e.g. simulation 1 against team BathTUB).
4.5 Design and Implementation Choices
Our architecture is centralised, which eliminates the need to communicate between
agents and simplifies agent synchronization, enabling a sequential implementation.
We believe this to be well suited to conventional programming languages. There are
drawbacks in not being able to distribute the system across multiple machines or
cores, which would provide performance benefits. However, we did not experience
any performance problems during either the contest or testing.
Our architecture was built specifically for our strategy in this year’s contest and is
not reusable. There are further problems in using a centralised strategy, which were
discussed in the previous sections.
The system was developed in C++ without the usage of any agent-specific tech-
nology. The communication with MASSim was implemented from the ground up,
using the XML-based protocol over TCP/IP sockets. Other approaches would be
the utilization of an existing platform from C++ or the use of an agent-oriented
programming language.
Using an existing platform has the benefit of not having to write code that interfaces
with the MASSim platform and being able to focus on the logic controlling the agents.
Code interfacing with MASSim makes up most of our codebase when counting lines
(as discussed in section 2) and we spent roughly half of our programming time
developing it, suggesting a large potential for time savings in this area. It is also
worth noting that the bug in our communications layer mentioned at the beginning
of this section, which prevented us from playing in two simulations, could have been
avoided by using a stable framework.
However, there would still be a need to wrap or convert the data structures into a
format, that can easily be read and written by C++ code, which makes up most of
our current non-agent code. Furthermore, there is additional complexity in crossing
language boundaries.
There are no specific benefits of C++ with regards to our architecture or strategy;
the system could easily have been implemented in a comparable, general-purpose
programming language. C++ in particular offers static typechecking, large freedom
in the choice of abstractions and a potential for high performance.
Agent-oriented programming languages are designed to work well in multi-agent
systems, such as the scenario used in the MAPC, whereas C++ is a general purpose
language, without features specific to agent programming. As a result, our agent
code is verbose and cumbersome to write. However, writing very explicit agent code
can be beneficial, in that it is easy to reason about the behaviour of code.
5 Conclusion
Our participation in the 2016 MAPC has been a valuable source of experience in
developing a C++ application within the context of multi-agent systems. We felt
that C++ was quite suitable with regards to our approach, allowing us to build
our own abstractions and be explicit about all operations during our applications
Our architecture enabled us to handle complex jobs having multiple levels of
dependencies. It did suffer from low agent utilization, and much data with a potential
for optimisation is not taken into account. The underlying routines handling the
travelling of agents are not able to work consistently on all maps, causing additional
Overall we are quite happy with our results, especially considering that this is our
first time participating in the MAPC. The technical problems were unfortunate, but
at least we did not run into any memory issues. Our system was competitive once
we got it to work, but did not achieve the effectiveness of teams PUCRS and Flisvos.
6 Team overview: short answers
6.1 Participants and their background
What was your motivation to participate in the contest?
We wanted to evaluate our implementation regarding both its stability and
What is the history of your group? (course project, thesis, . . .)
The system was developed within a course project.
What is your field of research? Which work therein is related?
Does not apply.
6.2 The cold hard facts
How much time did you invest in the contest (for programming, orga-
nizing your group, other)?
About 250 person hours were spent, about 200 hours to write code and 50
hours to write documentation.
How many lines of code did you produce for your final agent team?
The code base consists of 4805 lines of C++ code (excluding comments and
blanks), of which 882 are describing agent behaviour.
How many people were involved?
Two people worked on the project.
When did you start working on your agents?
April 2016
6.3 Strategies and details
What is the main strategy of your agent team?
All decisions are made by a central entity. A job is chosen based on expected
profitability, then a dependency tree is calculated and executed.
How does the team work together? (coordination, information sharing,
Everything is centralised and planned in advance, this includes actions requiring
multiple agents.
What are critical components of your team?
The three main components are the job analysis, which creates the dependency
tree, the dispatcher, responsible for selecting new jobs and assigning tasks to
the agents, and the finite state machines executing those tasks.
Can your agents change their behaviour during runtime? If so, what
triggers the changes?
In the downtime between jobs the dispatcher will have the agents visit shops,
to learn the prices of items.
Did you make changes to the team during the contest?
We fixed bugs that cropped up during the matches.
How do you organize your agents? Do you use e.g. hierarchies? Is your
organization implicit or explicit?
There is a central entity collecting the perceptions of all agents and assigning
actions to each of them.
Is most of your agents’ behaviour emergent on an individual or team
Only the travelling (including charging) happens on an individual level.
If your agents perform some planning, how many steps do they plan
The agents plan the execution of one job, which generally takes around 200
steps to complete.
If you have a perceive-think-act cycle, how is it synchronized with the
We react to messages sent by the server.
6.4 Scenario specifics
How do your agents decide which jobs to fulfil?
The dependency tree for each job is used to estimate the costs of completing a
job. Whenever there is no active job, the agents choose the most profitable job
that does not yield a loss.
Do your agents make use of less used scenario aspects (e.g. dumping
items, putting items in a storage)?
No, we did not use these features.
Do you have different strategies for the different roles?
No, the dispatcher favours faster agents and trucks are excluded from certain
tasks, but mostly the logic is the same for all agents.
Do your agents form ad-hoc teams for each job?
No, there is only one team and one job.
What do your agents do when they do not pursue any job?
They visit shops that have not been visited before to learn the prices of their
6.5 And the moral of it is . . .
What did you learn from participating in the contest?
We learned a lot about developing MAS related abstractions in C++.
What are the strong and weak points of your team?
Our team is able to complete even very complex jobs with a few dozen inter-
mediate tasks. It is also quite good at ignoring unprofitable jobs. There are
still some problems with the pathfinding and keeping all agents occupied.
How viable were your chosen programming language, methodology, tools,
and algorithms?
C++ leaves the programmer a large degree of freedom in the choice of abstrac-
tions. It allowed us to express our ideas in a straightforward way and made it
easy to reason about the behaviour of code.
Did you encounter new problems during the contest?
We encountered errors related to the interaction with the other team as well as
a problem when running over an internet connection.
Did playing against other agent teams bring about new insights on your
own agents?
The other teams were better at utilizing the agents’ time, this is something
our agents were certainly lacking.
What would you improve if you wanted to participate in the same contest
a week from now (or next year)?
Important short-term improvements would be fixing the pathfinding and the
ability to complete multiple jobs at once. In the long term, we would improve
the dispatcher to better anticipate future events and remove some of the
simplifications that were made during its design.
Which aspect of your team cost you the most time?
Most of the work went towards the dispatcher. Assigning tasks to the agents
is subject to many constraints and our strategy is not able to compensate for
dispatching errors well.
What can be improved regarding the contest/scenario for next year?
We feel that an increased bonus to assembly of items would make the scenario
more interesting due to a higher need for agent cooperation.
Why did your team perform as it did? Why did the other teams perform
better/worse than you did?
Once the bugs were worked out, our team was able to generate profit very
consistently over the course of a match. We did, however, suffer from low agent
utilization due to our centralised approach, which allowed the other teams to
complete many more jobs over the same time period.